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Hurt that some of my cousins and nieces or nephews are still Facebook friends with him

I’m so annoyed with everything going on. I thought that it could be easier that we were ending our marriage and getting a divorce. I hate having days when I search his Facebook profile to check if he has posted anything about me. I’m confused and hurt when I see that some of my cousins or cousins-in-law or nieces/nephews are still Facebook friends with him. I feel like why aren’t people caring about me. Why does it feel like he can just get away and make me look like the bad one? I have patiently been waiting to hear from my lawyer but the past week was crazy because I had an appointment for a meeting and he canceled on me because he thought we couldn’t make it because traffic is usually bad at 4pm and the appointment was at 4:30. When I told my parents and sister that he canceled on me, my sister wrote him an email telling him that she has never seen such unprofessionalism because the other reason he canceled on me was because he had to pick up his child from daycare. I hate when I go to events and people ask me where he is and how is he doing. I just want to scream or tell the truth but my mom doesn’t want me to tell anyone that I’m getting divorced. I’m nervous and anxious about tomorrow’s appointment with my lawyer. My lawyer told me that he wrote out the divorce papers that he is going to be sending my husband and his lawyer. I just hope and pray that everything works out for me. As my boss told me a couple weeks go, he wants me to kick my stbx out of our wonderful country. That is what I am planning on doing. Please help me figure out what to do to get over all of this stress. Would love some advice.

Re: Hurt that some of my cousins and nieces or nephews are still Facebook friends with him

You are going through a very stressful time and unfortunately anxiety is part of the divorce process. Hang in there, it will get better. I know how you feel, you think all your friends and family should support you and take your side and not talk to him. Obviously I don't know the reasons and circumstances behind your divorce. But put yourself in their shoes. You're asking them to cut off ties with someone they've gotten to know well over the years. Be patient with them while they process all of this too.
As for your mother asking you to lie about your relationship status...I would hate that. So you just have to avoid everyone? That doesn't seem right. It does suck having to explain to everyone that you are no longer together. I remember feeling embarrassed by my marriage failure. And everyone seems to want an explanation. I just wanted to scream none of your **** business! Hang in there, it will get better

Re: Hurt that some of my cousins and nieces or nephews are still Facebook friends with him

I fully understand how you feel I’m 6 years down the track from divorce if any of my friends want to be his they can but I’m wont be interested in seeing them again.
More so the hurtful things his mistress did to me and my boys not just the affair I don’t understand how my eldest speaks to her.
He married his mistress both of my adult children went to the wedding I still can’t get my head around that.