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Why did I waste two years of my life

I’m hurt by the way that I was abused by my husband. He denies everything and instead says that I abused him. I never even abused him. I always loved him and respected him. I always treated him right. I always respected his family and parents. He is the one that treated my parents who are senior citizens like s***. He would call them on the phone and yell at them. He would send them rude text messages. The abuse that I suffered was on our wedding night he asked me if I was a virgin and when I told him that I was a virgin he didn’t believe me. He threatened me that maybe he would find a girlfriend. Some of the times that we would make out or have sex I would find noticeable bites/ bruises on my breasts because he liked to bite me. Sometimes he would put his hand around my throat when we were having sex other times he would pull my hair. He would deny both whenever I brought it up with him. He never tried to work out our marriage. He listened to and was influenced by his friends. He only lived with me from Feb 2018 to June 2018 then he moved to Maryland and stayed there until we went to India in November. He only visited me once in August. He claimed that he only visited me for the my best friend’s daughter’s first birthday party. We went to India on November 27. As soon as we arrived at the airport, He realized that he forgot his passport and itinerary at the house so my dad and him went back to get the backpack that he left. He comes back within two minutes of the cut off time that the British Airlines people told us that if they made it back by 7:30 we were allowed to go on the trip. He apologized to my parents for the stress but never apologized to me. When he went back to the house with my dad he tells my dad that he is not a very lovable husband to me. In India we had many issues some of were the fact that I crossed my legs when I sat in front of his parents. The second day that I was in India he kicked my legs and uncrossed my legs. A couple days later when I asked him why he kicked me he automatically took me to my cousin’s house and showed my cousin, cousin-in-law, and aunt how he kicked me. While we were there he started complaining that my parents didn’t buy him a car, give him a credit card or offer him and his family the rights to the property that my parents have in India. About two weeks later, one of my cousins invited us for dinner and my husband calls me to tell me that we are going to go for the dinner the next night. The next morning he calls me back and says that he can’t make it for dinner. I called him a liar because I was raised to keep my commitments and if someone invites you and you tell them that you are coming you don’t change your mind last minute and don’t give a reason. That night when we’re in the car going home he starts an argument with me and starts yelling at me. He’s yelling very loudly and I’m scared that we’re going to get in a car accident so I raised my hand to protect myself but he thinks I raised my hand to hit him. I came back December 27 and he came back January 28. On January 30, I woke up and came downstairs. That was when he told me that he was moving back to Maryland to live with his bachelor friends and find a job. I called him mental because who comes back from India and not even two days later drives from Georgia to Maryland. He finally got a job on April 8. He promised to visit and if he couldn’t find a job he said that he would move back to Georgia. He lied. On Father’s Day he emailed me and told me that he wanted a divorce and that either him or his lawyer would contact me with separation papers and divorce papers so I could sign them and send them back so we could happily go our separate ways. The worst part of this is we actually got married on my 29th birthday and now I don’t know how I’m going to survive my birthday this year. I know that I have five months left until my birthday but I’m just so heartbroken. Why did I waste two years of my life on this guy? He claimed in the emails that he loves me but he’s tired of all the arguments. I never started any arguments. I was raised to respect elders and always have respected elders so it was a shock for me to see him being rude to my parents, yelling at them on the phone and sending very rude messages to them. He once messaged my dad that he would take care of me and told my dad to take care of his wife meaning my mom.

Re: Why did I waste two years of my life


Sorry to hear of your pain. It sounds like it was a very difficult situation. Are you divorced now?

About your birthday I would start focusing solely on ways to make it extra special and positive for yourself. Take this as a chance to reinvent your birthday and your whole life.

It sounds like you are clear about your values. Keep focusing on what makes sense to you and working on yourself as a person and you can't go wrong!

And about your main question...Well, we don't always know what we've gotten ourselves into. It is natural that we trust, and are optimistic for the future. It is hard to feel like we've lost time in life, but you have learned some important lessons here and you have a great chance to make your life better now!

I wish you the best!!!