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Do I have to give an itemized list of childcare and expenses to ex if asked for child support

I am currently getting a divorce, and have 2 children. I have been awarded some child support he finds unfair as I make more than he does; however it is a fair number I feel not too much but enough to help. He has asked me to provide a list of childcare expenses for each month. Do I have to do this?

Re: Do I have to give an itemized list of childcare and expenses to ex if asked for child support

Unless specifically listed in your separation/divorce agreement you absolutely do not have to make lists of what you are spending any money on for the children.

This is also considered harassment by your ex husband. Politely ask him to stop in an email or text so you have record of the request. If he continues request a second time and state that that this is your second request for privacy and by most basic state divorce laws you are entitled to that now.

Child Support is not a tool to be used to control or manipulate the recieving parent. It is to be used in ANY WAY that benefits the child. Period.

I went through this with my ex, finally I had a lawyer state to him that I can spend that child support on my rent if need be. Because that roof over my head is also over our children’s. Therefore....it’s beings used to support their wellbeing. Then he added a bit about harassment.bug hopefully you won’t get that far. Good luck! Stand strong! Remember who YOU are.

Re: Do I have to give an itemized list of childcare and expenses to ex if asked for child support

Thank you soo much. It was really helpful. My soon to be ex husband has asked this of me and It's such a pain as I pay kids cash to watch them while I work... Don't feel like writing checks or asking teenagers for receipts. He has been trying to control me using little tactics like this and I just am tired and soooo done. Just want to move on with life. Again Thanks so much