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International Divorce


Anyone have any experience in a divorce with two continents involved? It seems so big and scary to restart my life, go back to my "home country", and I'm feeling really overwhelmed by it. How do I break this down step by step and face it?

I'm hurt and upset because I thought things were improving and we had a chance long term, but the problem is he spontaneously bought land in another country to build a house on and..well, we just have very different ideas about end of life type stuff it turns out.

He wants to leave his house to his kids upon his death, which is fine, but doesn't seem to be factoring in what if I outlive him? And what if I outlive him by a significant margin? I could be widowed for 5-40 years overseas with no friends or support around, in a country I would have only moved to for him.

I have already sacrificed so much for him, his kids, his career, his choice of where to be and he wants me to do it again. Pick up and retire with him in another country in about 5-6 years which means me restarting my life again for him, and, if he dies a week later or anytime before me...well, I'd be homeless, but he wants his kids to have his house. Is this making any sense to any of you because it sure as heck doesn't make sense to me?

Just last week he said he hated his kids and that they embody all he hates. So, there's that. (He now loves them again, I guess.)

So, upon this news and this being, apparently, unreconcilable, and after years of hard times, followed by what seemed to be some improvement...I've gone ahead and said that this seems like the end of the road to me. That it might be time to get out and save myself financially before it's too late. I'm nearly 50.

Thanks for any replies and support - I really need it.

Re: International Divorce

I am a lonely woman with no friend ms and I need to meet new people. My name is kelly hutchison and I live in Cleveland nc please call or text me anytime my cell number is (204)676-0502