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Advice about 13 yr old wanting to live with dad

Ex and I've been separated since 13. Divorce was finalized in 14. I have custody of our two boys and he gets the kids two weekends a month and four weeks out of the summer. I've had to go through Family Division of support to get him to pay child support and he owes me over $1,000 for dental and such bills.

my oldest is almost 13. And he wants to go live with his dad or it may be that his dad is wanting him to come live with him. Regardless my son gave me a list of reasons why he wants to go with his live with his dad. Most of the reasons are ones because Dad is the fun parent and I am the disciplinarian / you got to do work at my house.
One of the things I do agree with is he does need to have Dad son time for bonding time.

But my biggest worry is letting him go with his dad is that not having the money to be able to support him. That's the reason why we got a divorce back in 14. He's not a good one about living within his own means and keeping a job for about a year and not having another one lined up before his job is done. I also worry about school too.

I'm worried that I'm going to have to go back to court because not letting him go live dad. his dad doesn't understand my worries, haven't told him yet. I'm worried my son hating me for not letting him go live with his dad.

I need help to explain it to my son so that he's not mad at me. And how the hell do I explain it to my ex that I'm not OK with our son living with him yet. Please I need advice.

Re: Advice about 13 yr old wanting to live with dad

You do have a tough decision to make. That's a lot of expense in legal bills to change custody if it doesn't end up working out. Not sure why you worry about him not being able to pay his bills with a kid. That's his problem and if he can't afford supporting his kid, you'll probably end up getting him back in your home. How does he do for the 4 weeks in the summer? If he does go live with his dad how often will you get to see him? Is it possible for you to move closer to his dad or vice versa so you can share custody and live with both of you?