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To broke to stay where I'm at, but can I move before a divorce is final?

Ok so long story short I live in a TINY town. Last year I was forced to leave my job due to being sexually harrased. Because of the rural nature of where we live literally the only job I could find was a part time, ok wage (but not enough to support myself as a single person). Between going through the a divorce in a tiny town and the fact that I literally can't pay bills staying in this town. There are plenty of jobs available in my industry in other places. Plus I would really prefer to get the hell out of dodge.

Is it totally out of the question to want to get out, get a new job, and get on with my life as quick as possible???

Re: To broke to stay where I'm at, but can I move before a divorce is final?

Of course you can move while still going through divorce. Are there kids involved? If so you may be limited to staying in the same state. I would totally move on...you need this!