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Chronic illness and can’t work

Husband married me knowing I have a chronic illness and cannot work. We agreed to live in my home with my kids until they left for college. I supported us in my home while we renovated his lake house which is in his name only which we planned to move into and live in for 7 years and then downsize and retire. I sold my home and the money went toward renovations of lake house. If we divorce will I be entitled to half the lakehouse. We have been living in lake house now for 4 years.

Since I have this illness and cannot work will I be compensated for that?

I am not eligible for social security b/c I was a stay at home mom

Re: Chronic illness and can’t work

Test? Can anyone give me some legal advice to this?

Re: Chronic illness and can’t work

Laura: You need to speak with a Lawyer about this. Sometimes the first consultation is free.