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Property in my dads Trust may be considered community property?

I moved into my parents home after they moved out in 1997. My husband also moved in, we married in 2001 but he also moved out 4 years later. (Too difficult for him to cheat living with me). We remained married and spent large amounts of time together. My husband purchased a home he lived in but lost it during bad economy. We also reopened his cabinet business prior to our marriage. I started out just paying rent but started making the mortgage payment directly to bank because my dad was having financial problems and my mom was dying. We both did some remodeling to the house in 2002. New Kitchen cabinets and counter top, new carpet, window coverings, cabinets in laundry room, new garage door and we repaired some pool equipment. I continued living here, making payments, making repairs needed and painted. My dad died 11/2017 and left house to me in his Trust. (it still has a mortgage). In 7/2018 (after my husband filed for divorce) my name was put on deed. In 2004 dad refinanced and pulled all his equity out. In 4/2018 my husband filed for divorce and now going after 50% of the equity. Claims its community property. My husbands mom also died in 2015 and he received a very large inheritance. Is he entitled to 50% of equity? Does this mean I should consider the house he inherited 50% mine also?
Thank you for the help.

Re: Property in my dads Trust may be considered community property?

Pam: This is all very complicated and you should speak with an Attorney.