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Am I entitled to part of my husband’s shares if he contributed marital assets

My soon to be ex husband was given shares to a family LLC. We were married 10 years before the LLC was established. My husband put in $25k into the LLC. All proceeds from the LLC were put into a joint account in which bills were paid and items bought all for the our household. Now he is having an affair and filed for divorce and is saying I get nothing after 17 years of marriage. I have an attorney who is looking into the LLC. Has anyone had any experience with this? I live in Oklahoma.

Re: Am I entitled to part of my husband’s shares if he contributed marital assets

Hi! I am a CPA. Here's my thoughts on this. I'm assuming the shares are in his name & social security # so they are his. However, you should be entitled to half of all the marital assets and those shares are part of your joint assets. It's hard to value what the shares are worth though. You may need to request an accounting of the LLC, including a recent balance sheet. You should be asking for half of all your assets, including the value of those shares.