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Divorce finalized but still waiting on ruling on custody, Etc..

My divorce is finalized 2weeks ago but we are still waiting on judge to make ruling/decision on custody, settlement on the house to see who get it…etc. I'm not getting child support from this so It’s driving me crazy waiting, don’t know why it would take so lone beside that he a judge & they are crazy busy! But I been asking around & most said judge may be trying to protect the children make sure they get to stay in the home?! …my ex is still dealing drug, in & out of jail and who know what else…so I just want this to be over over with no string attach nothing left behind…you know when you feel like your about to break free but there is still something attached to you holding you back to where your almost out/free but not quite….i feel like that! Just tired of not know of what the outcome will be! I want to move on with my kids with my life.:tired_face: