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Name change

I am having a dilemma about changing my name back after the divorce because I want to feel connected to my kids and grandson but I have bad feelings about my married name. I know this is a personal decision but just wanted to get some Feedback from the forum.

Re: Name change

I'm in the same boat, I'd say it depends on what terms your relationship is ending. I personally hate my future ex husband and don't want to have his last name even when our 2 infant children will have it. If you don't mind using it then keep it, it will also help you avoid few fees and a lot of papework specially if you have been married for a long time and all your documentation is under that name.

Re: down to the wire

I just recently read that you can request to have your name change and you should if you are having ANY doubts BUT you actually do not have to finalize that until another step is completed. You can wait or never to have it changed. So,instead of having to fill out a lot more paperwork, pay money, go through the court system (again) just ask for it during the divorce. This is in Ga I am not sure if that applies just here or everywhere so you might want to check just to make sure. Hope this helps! Wishing you the very best during these rough times.