Womans Divorce Forum

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So I'll start by letting you know that I am 57yrs old have 2 adult children and still live with my husband of 34 yrs but have not had a relationship with him for at least 5 yrs. We both know that we need a divorce but neither of us have taken 1st step in that direction. Communication between us is not very good. He is the bread winner I collect disability because of an autoimmune disease. I can't do this anymore does anyone have advice on lawyers and the cost of a divorce I do t know where to start and $ is an issue I live in Nassau county ny. I'd appreciate any feedback.

Re: Help

Shari: I was divorced in 2009, in my late 40s, married for 21 yrs. with an 18 year old. I went to a Lawyer who worked out of her home and didn't charge a lot. The cost was about $5k. My father offered and paid for some it. Just remember that a Lawyer will charge you for every phone call, e-mail, court time, face-to-face meeting(s), so limit it to important stuff. Shop around for a Lawyer who will give you a reasonable rate. You should be eligible for senior housing and alimony. Best wishes.