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When to file amended custody paperwork?

My kid's dad for the last 8 years hasn't had a stable place to live. He recently broken up with his off again off again girlfriend of 5 years and moved into a studio apartment. After moving out of his past gielfriend's house in June, he now has a new girlfriend as of July. He's been dating this girl for a month now. She's been sleeping over in the studio apartment when my daughter is there. Additionally, her dad sent his girlfriend to pick up my daighter from school. My daughter didn't know in advance his girlfriend was picking her up and didn't receive confirmation from her dad till she was already in the car with the girlfriend's that this was the plan. This all is so troubling to me. It encourages my daughter to get in the car with strangers. As well as teaching her its ok, to spend the night with people you just met. On top of all of it being creepy in my book. Not sure this is enough for the legal system though. What would you do?