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Child support and custody

Me and my daughters dad have been separated since July 2016 we were never married my daughter is now 5 going on 6 and he has not help me with her the entire time we have been separated. He sees her once in a while the most is 2 times a week for about 3 to 4 hours and doesn’t not give me no money. He lives with someone else who had 2 kids that are not his. I’m sure he pays bills there and helps out financially, I recently moved out on my own with my daughter and I told him that he either helps me with her by taking him time with her 50/50 or he pays child support and he chose child support. I now applied for it and they decided that the amount I would get is 458. I also like to mention that I have a good paying job. Once the motion started with the child support he decided to leave his job or by what he says his job laid him off he’s been without a job and now asked for a court date to determine how much support I should get since he thinks the amount is too much. We have been texting lately here and there and I noticed that when we text he tried to make him self look good and I think it’s because he wants to use this as proof for any kind of court battle we may have. I noticed he’s trying to lie about how much he sees his daughter in order to pay less in child support and I have no proof to she he’s not there because his family is the one who watches her while I’m at work they can easily lie and vouch for him. Any way that’s my current situation. Can anyone help with advise or anything that can help me or Make me feel better. It’s upsetting because I have been the one who worked so hard taking care of my daughter by my self and only for him to come and discredit me.