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Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

My husband of seven years sent me a text on Friday letting me know he had left me. He took most of his stuff and was gone before I got home. All weekend it was a back and forth about him coming back and doing therapy. Eventually this morning he told me over the phone he was done.

We just moved to a new state and now can’t file for divorce for about seven months in my current state, six once he establishes residency where he went. I am an absolute wreck and don’t feel like I can breathe or move forward, I feel like I’m dying.

I don’t have any support in my new state, my family lives over eight hours away. I know things haven’t been good for awhile, but I didn’t think they were as bad as he made them out to be. He left me with a huge rent and all the bills and moved back in with family. He told me he’s sorry that I’m having these crazy feelings but I will get over it. Throughout this whole thing I haven’t been a loud to voice my feelings without him screaming at me it will never work.

I feel like a total failure, like I’m worthless. I don’t know if I can stay in my place because it was ours and it makes me fee like I can’t breathe. How do I move forward? When does this get better?

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

First I am truly so sorry.. I am in a similar situation myself and only a month into my own nightmare but I know how you feel and I was also trapped alone in a state I had no one.. Please let me know how I can chat with you.. we are not alone and we can get through this..

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

thinking of you today and sending some hope your way.. hang in there and just take one step at a time.. please know you are worth so much more then he has treated you and i know how much you hurt right now i am in the same boat too.. i know the pain is so soo overwhelming but remind yourself that he is loosing someone who cared and loved him but you are loosing someone who really never cared about you..

i discovered an email which my husband was planning to serve me with divorce paper work and evict me from our home.. we had just moved states and i knew no one and had no friends or family.. fearing for my safety i decided i needed to leave right away not knowing what he would do if he knew i had discovered his plot.. so i left with nothing but the cloths on my back to a hotel for the night and then had to fly back to my family 32 hours away.. i lost everything in one moment, i had a job, i was one class away from finishing asl classes, i had a beautiful home with things i had acquired from living all over the world as a kid and everything i have worked my whole for just gone now.. i lost my independence, my pride, my job, my things, my future and faith... i truly never saw anything like this happening- i foolishly had even started making him dinner earlier in the day before discovering the email..

i am just like you though every day trying to figure things out and just trying to make it moment to moment.. you are so worth it and you are a great person so just hang in there i am here for you!

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

Mmmmhhhhh this is very bad, I feel for you. Am also in the same situation and I don't know if am coming or going, I feel like am a loser and a useless person, its hard but I believe God is with us as we grieve. Nothing is permanent surely this will pass too. Let's thrive and believe in God and pray even though sometimes its hard to pray but let not stop believing God in our hearts of hearts,much love.

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

thank you so much for your kind words they mean more then you even know right now.. sending prayers of hope to you as well

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

My heart breaks for you. I’m in the same situation as you are, after 7 years together my SO suddenly said he feels NOTHING for me. Nothing. We have a 9 month old baby boy together. We’ve talked since we were 12, dating since we were 17. We’re now 24 and 25 years old. He’s a completely different person

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

i am so sorry for you but please know you are truly such a brave and amazing person and mother.. you are much stronger then you even realize and you are inspiring to be able to deal with everything you have going on..thank you for sharing your story. please just focus on you and your baby and do whatever you can to make your life as stable as possible and remember second by second and overtime you will start to get things better.. sending a little hope your way today.

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

I am so sorry. I've been there too.

I have to recommend this book to you to remind you that things could definitely be worse:


If he is leaving you, do you have to stay where you are now? Maybe a friend can take you in? Divorce is never easy.

Please also make time to listen to a station like Shine FM or "The Message" on XM. All of what I have suggested got me through my divorce, and also helped me find someone new. If he has cut the cord, look forward, not back!! There are plenty of others who will be happy to replace him!

Re: Recently Separated and Feel Like I’m Dying

CrazyLove87: Call a Lawyer ASAP and see if you can get emergency alimony or come up with some plan. He had no right to leave you with a large rent and all the bills. Possibly you could get a responsible roommate to help with the rent and bills or get funds to pay for a Lawyer with help from family. A Judge is not going to look kindly on this.