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I can't shake the emotional scars of his words any longer...

Even after 8 months and 87 pounds down.taking the summer off work and 8 full months of an amazing relationship. I made the decision to walk away from a very controlling marriage we have 2 children together and after 16 years of what I thought was my only life at the time(literally working and handing my check over and appreciating20 nucks for gas to get to work for the week with out stressing on Wednesdayhow would I make it all week and run the kids to sports).i am thriving now like never before but more importantly my beautiful teens now happy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. However, I'm in an amazing relationship with a man who is hands down my everything! He literally has single handedly picked me up lumped over his shoulder and splinted my wings as they heal properly..with all this I should be okay right? Then why do I feel this way .I appreciate it all. His love,his passion,his time, his energy in everything he dose with or for us.He stepped up and into all of our lifes.I just feel so distant still inside..so alone and worthless. Is this normal to feel like you just dont deserve love anymore? Even though i shower my family in love I cant help but get so upset at myself and go round and round until I have an anxiety attack about how I can't or how no one will want to even be my friend let alone just be around me...has anyone gone through anything similar? Any input or advice is very appreciated.