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Divorced but still living in same house

Husband divorced me after 20 yrs.3 months ago. Verbal, mental, emotional abuse, gaslighting for last 2 yrs. I'm enraged & hate the sight of him. Married him after my 1st husband of 5 years died. He was my husband's "good friend". I wanted a baby (he didn't do it). I wanted to keep my new home (he only worked off & on). He belittled & insulted me to other people. Threw temper tantrums & always threatened to leave. He ruined me financially & caused me to practically give my home away. I wanted to leave him dozens of times but didn't. Now that I'm 63, ugly, fat, broke he divorced me but says we can be "friends" & stay in our little dumpy house for awhile and split the expenses. He even tried to trick me to sign the deed to the house over to him but I didn't do it. I stay in the basement with my 2 elderly big dogs 98% of the time. His sister even comes in here & tells me "you get down that basement,this is my brother's house". I want out of here but hate to move the old dogs & I'm not sure if I can afford another house,on SSI. How do I get over this RAGE & hatred & is it too soon to make a change since it's only been 3 months?