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We bought our house two years ago with money my husband inherited. He now claims he gets the house and I get nothing because it was his money. The money was in a joint account.

Re: Inheritance

my husband recently got a large inheritance and a few weeks ago told me he was moving out into his deceased father's house. He said we were just coexisting like roommates and he didn't want to keep living that way. I had a free consultation with an attorney but I have not filed yet. We have been married almost 34 years. I was told that in Georgia if he had put any of the inheritance in our joint accounts or names I would be entitled to half of it as a marital asset. In our case he has not because it is still not settled through probate although he did get the testament letter that makes him officially the executor of the will. Since you say you bought the house with the inheritance money I would think that is putting it in the marital assets. You should be okay. Unless for some reason it is only in his name and not yours?? In my case even though I can not get any of the inheritance the lawyer says the judge will consider the amount of the inheritance when deciding the amount of alimony my husband will have to pay me. Since I gave up a career to raise the children and he is now "sitting pretty" on this large sum of money the judge will not think it is fair to have him living such a high standard of living and have a really nice salary while I try to start all over at 57 years old. I don't know if this helps you but I would say that you can meet with several attorneys for a free consultations and find out the rules in your state. then pick the one you feel best about and has a good reputation. You may have to borrow money from a relative or friend to retain the attorney but in the end the lawyer should be able to get the attorney fees covered and then you can pay them back. Hang in there, I know how much this sucks! I never thought it would be me. I thought we were married for life.