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Devastated and alone

Hi All,

My wife left me about 9 months ago and I have been distraught ever since. She Is the love of my life but I apparently wasn't hers. She Told me she did not love me anymore after a year and half of marriage. We had multiple discussions before hand about what are roles were in our family. I would pay all the bills and she would cook and clean (no one wants to eat my cooking.lol) anyway I did help around the house when I could but come on it was a 900sf house should have been easy to deal with. im only 32 and getting divorce. my dad passed away 3 years ago so i was fighting to keep my head up about that. She helped me out so much and was there for me when I needed her.

since we split she has dated someone else, It didn't last long, and has gotten into trouble all had to do with drinking. I thought for sure I would be the one making mistakes. I'm devastated in the fact that after I told her we did not have to get married and that I would still love and take care of her the same that she insisted she wanted to marry me. Of course I said ok, I loved her. just don't know how to move on when you are still in love....

Re: Devastated and alone

i totally feel for you and i know what you are going through.. i was completely blindsided by my divorce and it has broken me, i am only a month in and i have panic attacks thinking this cant be real, i cry to and from work and try to hold it together every day at work but it is exhausting.. .. i have no answers as to why or what happen and not having closure has hurt even more.

i am about to be 34 and trust me i know what you mean, for me personally and spiritually divorce would never be an option for me.. i would have done everything in my power to fight to make things work so that this would never have had to happen.. but i guess the problem is i would have done anything for him but it wasn't the same way for him for me.. it doesn't matter if i would have done everything i could for him bc he decided to not even try at all and just kick me to the curb (literally)..

i hope you keep in mind that they are losing someone who truly carried about them and would have done anything for them but you are only loosing someone who really didn't even think about you at all.

you are brave and you deserve to find happiness, you are only in your 30s so please dont be so hard on yourself and take each moment as best as possible.. sending just a little hope your way today

Re: Devastated and alone

Stay strong I am also in the process of getting divorced. He too was first love. Barely stayed 2 and half months into marriage with him. He was abusive. Still tried to work it out. Not responding to my calls. Not ready for mutual divorce. Mentally taxing. Left my job. Now jobless. I am also 34. One year of dating and one year of marriage. It hurts so much.

Re: Devastated and alone

hey, hang in there! you are stronger then you even know and you truly deserve to be happy.. i have been doing a lot of research to valid everything that has happened and how things changed so much so it might give you answers.. youtube dsd.. it sounds silly but anything is worth trying.. i started a new job and its not great but it gets me out of bed and forces me to have to put myself together and mostly just gets me off focusing on the nightmare in my personal life.. i am here for you and i know how hurt you feel but you are a good person so just take each day moment for moment and do little things to make yourself feel stable- a book and coffee..

Re: Devastated and alone

It takes time, but it can be done. Check out this author, as their experience was very similar to yours:


They found a way to move forward, but it definitely takes time. I truly believe you can find happiness again!

Re: Devastated and alone

Sorry about this, but be glad you are out of it because of the drinking. Move on and best wishes.