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First divorce hearing

I have my first hearing tomorrow and I have no idea what to expect. I moved out about 6 months ago and my husband is way behind on our mortgage even though he is still living is the house. Not sure what even will happen tomorrow.

What happens in these hearings?

Re: First divorce hearing

i am sorry i have no legal advice but i would love to hear what ended up happening so i can be prepared too.. thank you for taking the time to share

Re: First divorce hearing


Re: First divorce hearing

It is no fun. I was in one room meeting with my attorney and he was in another with his.
Then they went before the judge. In my case all that got solved in 3 hours is that another court date was set and he has to get the mortgage caught up and work on refinancing so he can get me off the loan.
I feel for anyone who has to go through the whole process.
It is emotionally exhausting and financially draining.

Re: First divorce hearing

thank you for sharing your experience.. you are doing the best you can and please know you are brave for moving forward with each step you take.. the legal process is so overwhelming and stressful enough but add in the emotional aspects its purely horrific experience but please take care of yourself as best as possible and know that you will get through this difficult time and you deserve to be happy.. one moment at time one second of each day.. you can do this. you are so strong and you are inspiring for all of us.