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Hi, I need some information on annulment. I recently got married by a local judge and everything went well. I am going to have the traditional Indian wedding ceremony a month later. Between my court marriage and ceremony we got into heated argument. Now he decided to annulled the marriage. Can he annulled this marriage because we he no longer thinks this marriage will workout? Also, his mother asked me to return the gifts such as engagement ring, wedding ring, a diamond necklaces gifted to me by his parents during engagement. I have also spent over $20k for marriage preparation.

What right do I have? I don’t want to annulled the marriage as I still want this to workout but his mother think we should end the wedding and he thinks the same. I think this is all silly but one argument and he is ending this marriage.

Please help


Re: Annulment

I thought an annulment was only carried out by the Catholic Church. I think it's a divorce you need if the marriage is ending. It seems silly to end a marriage over one argument, but, I guess it depends upon what the argument was about. See a Lawyer.

Re: Annulment

It’s very silly to end it and I can’t believe I’m dealing with these people.