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Florida Divorce

Anyone know if a lawyer has to give you an answer and can keep your retainer from 4 years ago? Long story short... I started to go through with the divorce 4 years ago, retaining the lawyer and starting. I had to stop, but am ready to proceed. I sent an email 2 weeks ago telling them that I am ready to go forward again. They said to give them "a few days" and they would get back to me. I waited a week, then sent them a long email of what has been going on the last 4 years and why I need to proceed. Still nothing. This week I replied again asking if they are still able to work with me, that my husband quit his job without telling me, and hasn't contributed to bills in a month. Still nothing. I just tried to call them, but no answer... I didn't bother leaving a voicemail, but will try again. Should I take this as a hint? They did not take that long to reply or work with me in the past. I gave them $3000, but haven't had even $500 of work done. I don't have any kind of signed contract from them. Just an email from Jan '16 that they were holding on my case until they heard from me. Everything I have read says to contact the local Bar Association. I was going to give it more time, but when I looked them up, my lawyer is the president! Thanks for any input!

Re: Florida Divorce

Amazingly, she replied back yesterday. A relief somewhat... back to regular worries. She agrees that he is out of touch with reality, and I should call today about next steps. I worry about his mental stability and what he will do. Anyone surprise their spouse with being served while living under the same roof? We have 2 young girls that I worry about. Can we prove that he shouldn't have custody, or will I have to pray every time it's his turn to take them, that he brings them back to me?

Re: Florida Divorce

Nonny: He may have quit his job to avoid paying child support. It's amazing what people will do to avoid being out some money. Write down all the reasons as to why he shouldn't have custody and present it to your Lawyer the next time you see them. Also, research the divorce and custody laws in your State on line.

Re: Florida Divorce

I know! That made me wonder right away... I read things like this, but who knows:
When a parent intentionally quits their job, the court will
usually impute the income that they had been making and use that
income in the child support calculation

Maybe it will wake him up before his FMLA is up to suck it up and go back to work, like the rest of us. Or maybe they can make him break into his 401K. Right now, he isn't contributing anything... living here for free and driving a car for free. The Mortgage is in my name, but he is also on the deed. :( I need to take care of that too. Also, the car that he drives is in my name. So messed up! Having a hard time getting with the lawyer... playing phone tag. Thanks for the reply! :slightly_smiling_face: