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Divorced and now he is dating

Well, I have two kids and I take them on vacations always by myself since they were born. Their dad has never went with us nor did he really want to.

Since we divorced he told them he would take them on a trip. He has not but he tells me this person he met online, only several months ago, will be going on a vacation together in a few weeks.

I was gobsmacked. I dont feel jealous or anything just disappointed; when he told one of the kids that he wanted to go and see if they would like to go on the cruise first or if it was a waste of money. Now he would know by going without them.

At first I laughed but my child did not like his answer.
Now, as a gift, we had planned years ago to take them on a far away trip but he is changing all the plans. It makes attempting to stick with the original plan difficult. My eldest likes his new plan which doesn't include the younger sibling. I am at my witts end.

He says now that I never cared or loved him. Why did I marry him. Why did I have kids with him. A bunch of crap. Our divorce was not 50/50 on errors. That is crazy crap. I was a World of Warcraft survivor..lol

I dont know who this person is. I feel like as he has been dating he has changed the story of being a divorced dad to something morphed. Whoever he is speaking to is just giving him wrong ways of coping.

I dont know this person anymore.

Now he is getting defensive and angry with me for no reason and it escalates. I just respond with okay and I will do better at whatever he is squawking about. When I found out he left them alone for more than 7 hours and didn't call them he said it was non of my business. Well, it was a school night and I called about one thing and was told after 830 he wasn't back yet.

He will not return most texts. Especially when he is out with this person. Leaves them for long periods of time when he has them on school nights.

Like he said to me once "Whatever you have going on do it when you dont have the kids." Very hypocritical now.

So I bring that up and I am not allowed to say anything about anything. Says he is not a bad dad and says things like someone else is there listening and the stuff he says I said back to me...well I never said it. What the heck is he repeating...why is he saying to not say that to him when I didnt kind of thing.

I asked if he had two conversations going on at the same time because I was confused.

Anyone with a comment?

This is not about him and I for me. It is doing the right thing. This is about the kids and them not being left overnight or left alone on school nights when they are with him for way to long and not call