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Feeling defeated

My ex is extremely vindictive. When we separated he was to move to MO and instead filed behind my back where the judge then ordered my son back. Even after showing proof he said I could leave and he would be moving there. That judge took my son from his mother and brother. He has since moved to Utah and has taken me back to court three times. He makes three to four times the amount I do and has been married since right after we divorced. He has put me in so much debt I am verging bankruptcy. I’ve spent over $30000 this time around and it’s still not done and it even was dismissed cuz he is moving again yet I can’t get attorney fees paid for the wasted time. My son is on all sorts of medications cuz he isn’t happy there and ya been made to feel he can do no right. He is only 11 and I feel I live in the twilight zone with trying to explain my side to healthcare providers and what not. He had my son diagnosed for adhd 3 months after he got him without any information from myself or the teachers here. I still don’t feel my son is adhd yet they have him on meds and now depression meds on top of it. I’m losing my mind with all this. I have no control and this man won’t stop. He’s controlling, manipulative and a narcissist. I no longer know what to do. I can’t take 7 more years if this.

Re: Feeling defeated

I wish I had some good advice. :disappointed: What a POS! You definitely don't deserve that! He knows he can wear you down with the money. Maybe it will all get to be too much for him, and he won't want to handle it anymore. He will make it look like he's being nice instead of being a failure. I hope you get some visitation with your son. He just needs to know that you are always there for him. Hugs to you! Stay strong for your kids! One day it will all be over... and be a bad nightmare. You got this! You're a Mom... You're a warrior! :heart: