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I've lost my mind

I've lost my mind. I don't know where to turn. I've deleted all of my social media contacts, and also deleted all of my mail. I deleted everything because I felt so alone and never knew how to reach out to people for help. I don't know if I can afford a divorce and I don't know if I can afford to stay married. I wish I never had a child - I'm a terrible mother and I have no idea how to live like I am. I'm currently home bound in San Francisco.

Re: I've lost my mind

First, don’t give up on yourself. The main focus is for you to get yourself together! Stop the negative thinking and redirect , regroup, refocus that energy in seeing what your next move can be. Reach divorce lawyer in your area most will hear your case to see if you have one without having to put money down.

Second, I’m a mother too! It’s beyond hard going thru the emotions of a divorce while trying to be strong in front & for your kid(s). Take it one day at a time. Try not to regret having them. See them as your reason for going hard to better yourself. They will be your silent & biggest supporters when you least expect it.

You’re just going thru a lot of emotions from hurt, anger, confusion, sadness and fear. That is totally normal just know the storm does not last forever they will be hella bad days but plenty of good days to come! Don’t settle & dwell on the bad .. learn & grow from it ! Don’t try to control the situation yet control on how you react to it! Have a good cry & scream and get the ball rolling ! You can do this!