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Divorced at 63

I have never been in a chat room before, but I googled a chat room sight, for support. I feel like I can’t keep expecting my friends to listen to me . I am 63 years old. I was married to my first husband for 20 years. I was single for 10 years and my second marriage of 14 years is now ending. The divorce is amicable, he’s a good guy, just not my guy anymore, and I’m not what he needs either. But it’s lonely and scary sometimes. And I would love to chat with someone who is going through the same thing.

Re: Divorced at 63

Hi Deb, I am in a similar situation. I was married the first time for 28 years and was single for 9 before I remarried 4 1/2 yrs ago. He is a nice guy but just not for me. I guess I got swept up in the romance of it all at the time, but we are totally different people and now everything he does gets on my nerves. I feel awful about wanting a divorce as he gave up his home and moved to a different state to be with me, but it's never going to work. We have talked about it some, but now he wants 1/2 of everything. For 4 1/2 yrs of marriage??? I don't think so! I am 61 and I don't want to lose my house, but I may have to because I really want out.

Re: Divorced at 63

I’m in the same boat. First one 8 yrs. single 12 married for 9 years. I moved to a different state for a fresh start. It was the right move and love the new surroundings. But the loneliness is overwhelming at times. I find it hard to motivate myself to do anything other than work and home. When I was single before was raising 2 kids was never lonely.

Please tell me it gets easier?

Re: Divorced at 63

I just turned 64 last week and ex divorced me 5 months ago after 20 years. My first husband died in an accident after 5 years of marriage. Should have NEVER remarried and the ex ruined me financially so I'm still living in the basement in the house with him and hating every second of it. It's very lonely but I've been lonely for many years anyway. Hard starting over at this age. I have 2 large senior dogs and 3 cats to feed and care for.

Re: Divorced at 63

I hear ya. Ex left when I was in my late 40s and he was 55. I'm not getting married again, neither is he. None of my divorced friends are. All I had then was the cat. Thank goodness for the pets. Not getting any new ones because I'm not getting any younger. Best wishes.