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I need to express & release

I just need to rant...release all this built up anger! I’m tired of eating ******* humble pie. My soon to be ex husband is just impossible to deal with! He can’t get a reaction out of me with him & his girlfriend. So now he being petty & extra in providing for our 4 year old daughter! Now after nearly 8 years of knowing me 4 years being married to me he don’t trust me & know where my head is at lol. I’ll tell you where my head is at ...waiting for you to get the rest of your **** out of my house, sign and hand me my mortgage papers to release you from the mortgage loan !!

Since he wants to be extra and slight our child ... I told him your time with our daughter is reduced until I meet your girlfriend & her daughter since y’all want to go out take off the clothes that I dressed her in to go out with you, bring her back 2 hours later than the agreed time on a school night! Yeah, Mama Bear has taken the gloves off! The disrespect, the childish antics, him playing victim 24/7 is over ...these tables are about to turn and when they do ...& oh you Bet! I’m serve him so much humble pie to eat I’m make sure when he say I’m
Toxic, unhappy & bitter he will eat those words and swallow slowly on each one!

I don’t want you !!!! Lol I just want my peace of mind back, happy & healthy stress in my life lol Child support, child custody will set the tone! I’m done talking to him about anything at this point ... It’s lawyer to lawyer time from now till further notice!

***** Ass Man! What did I do to deserve this ?!?!

Re: I need to express & release

You’re in the right place to vent!You didn’t do anything to deserve this. He sounds like my soon to be ex husband the Narcissist! After 17 years (we have a 12 yr old son)I’m finally done! You’re doing the right thing by not communicating with him.. Mine doesn’t want to leave our home and wants to live his own life on my expense (while he’s having an affair with a family acquaintance who’s also married!)..
Keep going strong!

Re: I need to express & release

You women are my tribe! I went and bought a book about gaslighters in order to try to have some insight into X. He is controlling, manipulative, and made me completely financially dependent upon him! Now, because he says that "I'm not ready to take everything on", he should stay in the house for 2 more years. All the while he's going out on dates! NO NO NO NO NO!

When he went and told my kids, 8 and 4, that he won't be celebrating Christmas with us, will be moving out, and will be starting to date someone new - all on a day when they were out without me - I almost lost it! Who tells children one month and 2 months before their birthdays and 3 months before Christmas that this is going down? Especially when you never plan on leaving!!!

I'm holding off filing because I want us to go through mediation and file together with each of us having a lawyer. He doesn't have his yet. So, we're still going to be legally married through Christmas - what was his point???

I can't stand this man. Why did I put up with him for over 12 years when it started being bad on our honeymoon?

Re: I need to express & release

Jo: My marriage was bad from the start so I sympathize with you. Some of the women on this forum have described similar things you are going through. Some people like him, possibly, do not know what they want and/or are having trouble transitioning. Also, he knows that once he's out and someone has filed, he will have to come up with a lot of money for child support and/or transitional alimony while you go looking for a job and child care if you can work. In most instances, people can still live under the same roof if the divorce has not gone through yet unless there is a serious situation such as domestic violence (please don't think I am downplaying what he's already done to you!) Maybe he has changed his mind and is moving out or is unstable. I didn't go through mediation, but a friend did and ended up having to get a Lawyer and getting child support taken out of his check when he "nickeled and dimed her" even though he had the money or was late with it when she had to make a payment for camp, etc. I would strongly recommend getting a consultation with a Family Lawyer who also handles divorce and child custody. I did. They are best when there are kids involved. Do this ASAP. Have his Lawyer (when he gets one) talk to yours and this avoids a lot of conflict. Best wishes.

Re: I need to express & release

Tired: I remember those days of waiting for my ex to get his stuff out. It took 2 1/2 months because he wouldn't hire a mover or a U Haul, etc. My Lawyer said after two years if there was anything left, I could toss it, but I was courteous and let him know what was left or I mailed it to him. I even had to pay to get some stuff removed and my ex's hubby helped, too. Best wishes. Yeah, that is the best way, have his Lawyer talk to yours.