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Soon to be separated...broken.

I have been married for 13 years and we have been together for 15 1/2 years. The other day he told me that he felt we should..”go our separate ways”....& to be honest I agreed because the feeling of love has been gone for a while from his part. I have tried to play the doting loving wife and not really ever receiving the love back. I’m lost. I feel like a failure, I’m embarrassed and I just don’t know how I will get through this. Btw, he is an overall good person and not vindictive...I just can’t imagine being single after all of these years. I’m 38 and I feel so old getting back into the swing of things. My goal is to remain civil at all times and I hope we can even continue to be friends...Am I crazy for want this? Any type of advice would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.

Re: Soon to be separated...broken.


Sorry to hear what you are going through. It's definitely a crappy situation, but you can bounce back from it! Pick up "20 Years Gone: A Divorce Story" by author Dorian Wright from Amazon.
They went through similar heartbreak and came out shining! It's also at goodreads.com

Don't waste time missing the past. There are others out there who have also been hurt and will welcome you! There are also people lying in hospital beds right now wishing they had the time you do right now. Use it and be happy!! Don't waste it.

Re: Soon to be separated...broken.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. I will check that book out today.

Re: Soon to be separated...broken.

I understand how you feel but i believe everything in life has a purpose and you need to go for more and do not settle for less. We can be good friends and get to know each other i just got off a divorce after 21 years of marriage. My personal email is rainlord658//gmail//com

Re: Soon to be separated...broken.

I very pleased to find this site as I have been feeling and thinking for a long time of divorce. I really appreciate individuals that support each other. In the end having a friend to talk to is simply the best. And knowing others are in the same situation and your not alone. So to whom ever posted “we can be friends” and you shared your personal email... great, kind person!