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Confused and scared

My husband (husband #2 for me) and I have been together for 3 years, married for 2. I have 2 children, one from my ex husband and one from an abusive 2 year relationship. For about the first 6 months, our relationship was great. He was awesome with my kids and family and they all adores him. When we moved in together, he started taking more of a parental role (my ex and I hare custody of our child; my other has 1 hour supervised visits each week with his father). Again, things were still good. We seemed to have the same par wit g styles and we had good communication. The fighting started happening about 8 months in- mostly about his family ( they all dislike me and treat me badly). When we would argue, he would run to a family member and ***** about me- which only made them dislike me more. Then, his personality just started changing. He used to be so sweet, funny, open-minded, and caring. I barely recognize this anger, hitter, ************************ I-hate-everyone man that I’m married to. And he is so mean to my kids. No physically, I will not allow him to even pop the kids on the bottom. But he is so hard on them, and belittled them, and holds grudges- he has the attitude of “they can never do anything right.” He is forever talking about how much he hates millennials- and my boys hear this- then he calls them millennials all the time. Aside from all that, we fight and argue all the time- we can’t hold a conversation without arguing. And our sex life is non-existent- it’s been MONTHS since he’s even tried to touch me. When I initiate, he rejects me. The horrible part is that I need him financially. We sold all my furniture when we bought our home- we use what he had or bought new. And the house is in his name only. I’m terrified to leave because I won’t be able to support my boys, or even find a place to live, without him. I’m so confused 😭😭

Re: Confused and scared

Jen: Leaving will take careful planning. Put your name into Public Housing or live with a trusted friend or your family. I would also see if there is a women's services center in your area and/or call the domestic violence hotline for help/guidance. It seems strange that the house is only in his name, but even if it wasn't, some people aren't able to support what a house needs financially. See if you can get job training. Many women get training through a transitional assistance place (Welfare) taking care of and/or doing errands and cleaning for the elderly or to work in medical offices. Get whatever help you need - this includes, use of a food pantry if there is one near you, if not, Food Stamps, Govt. help (voucher) child care, if needed, etc. I think for the sake of the kids and yourself that you should leave and focus on starting over and please, I hope you do not get married again.