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Don’t know what do do

I am absolutely at a cross road as to what to do. I have begun mediation with my husband of 39 years. He does not want to divide our business and family assets to retain power and control. I have put off filing for divorce to try to divide assets amicably to save money in legal fees. We are still living together but wonder if i should move out. Sleeping most nights on the sofa. Sometimes in our bedroom to catch up on sleep. No physical contact since July.
I have been taking care of his medicine, groceries, laundry, dinner just to be considerate. I do not think we will reconcile but want to be civil through the process.
I think my dilemma is do I move out of our home that I want to stay in or temporarily move out till we see a judge and deliberate.
I’m just at a sad place trying to not make a wrong move. Need a strategy.

Re: Don’t know what do do

Sorry to hear you are going thru this. I wish & hope things could go in your favor. Maybe you should reach out to a lawyer for a consultation to see what your next move should strategically. If you wish to keep your home, don’t move out until talking to a lawyer usually the first to leave the home shows that person no longer wants it. Good luck and I’ll add you to my thoughts hoping things can resolve on a mature & amicable note.