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Hi, I would like to move but my divorce decree I can’t bring my kids 50 miles away but ever since we got divorce with my ex husband he haven’t show affection with the kids and it’s been one and half year he haven’t seen my kids nor thinking about visiting no contact or no communication he block me entirely phone, contact or Facebook literally who I’m going to ask if it’s ok to move more than 50 miles away from here..

Re: Relocate

Go to your local courthouse and apply for an adjustment to your card to your current custody agreement he cannot be Richard contacted and does not show up to court the court should grant you be at

Re: Relocate

Christine: Find a Family Lawyer who also handles divorce and custody issues. You may be able to get full custody and move the kids 50 miles away because he hasn't tried to contact them in one and a half years. PLEASE don't move them without getting legal/Judge's permission first. You could get into a lot of legal trouble according to the others who have posted here in the past if you do it without legal permission. Tell the Lawyer he has blocked you on his phone. Best wishes to you and to your kids for a better life in the future!