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can lawyer be involved with client??

my question is can a lawyer be involve in anyway or form such as relationship or partner/business other then the case (this is divorce case)...while working on the client case? in the state of Oklahoma or anywhere? my issue is my ex-husband lawyer has a lien on our home which the judge award it to me. he is claiming that my ex what to by the house & his lawyer is going to loan him money??! its seem he is trying to threaten me, like if I don't do what he want then he not going to release the lien!... I am in the process of selling the house & have a contract on it. it's all seem very shady to me! isn't there a standard procedure were you don't get involve or would this be some sort of a violation??! any professional out there read this please voice you opinion…this is just the suffuse of the story. I am a subject of a domestic violent I divorce my ex because he was/is on drug & abusive to me. till this day I have not receive one penny for child support. im selling the house to move to be closer to my family so I can get support & help. children & I want to move on with our live but cant because of this...yes I am frustrated! I just want to do the right for my kids & I just don't know...im out of money out of ideas...thanks for reading