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How many lawyers did you consult with before selecting your lawyer? I went to one and he didn't seem to care about the abuse in the marriage. He said the courts won't care and it is all just a math equation. FYI, I make more money than my husband and according to this lawyer he gets half my pension for the rest of his life no matter what. Done deal.

Re: Lawyer

Hhmm .. if you don’t like the vibe definitely keep looking around. As far as the pension it’s a catch 22 it somewhat a number in who makes more $$ etc. but doesn’t necessary means he can get it! It an option for him to ask for it & approve it based of the number of years you all been married etc. it’s an equation the courts/system use to decide how much the spouse is entitled to. My lawyer presented it to me but once I found out it was only $100 a month it wasn’t worth the time & money to pursue.

But, he definitely didn’t seem interested in your other concerns etc. So, don’t waste your time or money. Like, the saying goes you get what you pay for. Good luck on your search how everything works out for you!