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Can’t get over it.

I was married for 32 years in what I thought was a good marriage. My ex-husband suffered huge Medical problems and I was there every step of the way. He started an online affair with a high school girlfriend. I was getting stronger but he recently moved out of state to live with her and I’m hurting all over again,.

Re: Can’t get over it.

Oh, Molly, I'm so sorry! What an awful thing to do! I can't get over how deceitful men could be. I'm sure you feel devalued, unloved, and taken for granted. Virtual hugs to you. Do you have family? children? Do they support you? Do they know off your emotions? So many questions running through my head.

Re: Can’t get over it.

I am in the same boat. After 30 years of marriage my husband told me (on my birthday) that he was divorcing me. I can't seem to function. I am seeing a counselor and a shrink. I was seeing the counselor before the divorce as it was a rocky marriage. He started drinking every night and finding fault in everything I did. I wanted to save the marriage. he didn't. I am crushed beyond words. I can't get out of my depression and if I didn't have my dogs I would have ended it. I don't know what to do. I am lost. A lot of "our friends" have disappeared. He moved out of state. He is happy I want to crawl in a hole.

I have no kids and my brother and his family live out of state and are distant and feel that don't care. I hate the house I am living in. I hope to move SOON. This happened in May. When is it going to get better?