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I believe my current boyfriend has women issues

I'm Brazilian and I met an American man, who seemed very nice but a couple of months after dating he said his ex would harass me if she knew we were together, that's a red flag for me, so I decided to have a look at his Facebook older pictures and found out he has a son with another ex. Right when we met I asked him if he had children and he said no. When I confronted him with what I had just found out he told me he lost his parenting rights just because his ex got remarried and didn't want him near the kid. I'm finding it hard to believe, and as I have a small son it got me really worried. I live in Brazil and he is in US. What should I do?

Re: I believe my current boyfriend has women issues

Hi, Flor. That's a total red flag for me. Just imagine how worse things would be if you were in a more committed relationship. I find it hard to believe a guy who has trouble sharing the info about a son, would be trustworthy.

I can't tell you what to do, but if it was me, I'd dump him.

Re: I believe my current boyfriend has women issues

Why not talking with one of hie Exs?