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Dealing with divorce in the workplace

Any advice on how to deal with going through a divorce in the workplace? I'm still living with the soon to be ex and in the process of moving out. I told my boss, just let her know I'm going through this and might need some scheduling flexibility. She's been really supportive, allowing me to chat with her about it, and respecting my privacy. I keep my emotions in check during work hours, try to focus on my job and keep my personal life to myself.

However, during this quarantine, I'm having a lot of videoconference meetings with coworkers. Most of them are in a small team of 5 of us, including my boss. Simple questions, such as "how was your weekend?" become triggering for me as I'm spending this weekend packing boxes and starting to move out. One coworkers has been asking more personal questions to this small group such as "is everyone alone during this time? are y'all family members or partners driving y'all crazy yet?, etc" I just want to hide and avoid these questions, at least while we're still living together. It's a very private and personal situation, not everyone's business, but should I let the group know that I'm going through something personal right now, or just pretend everything's ok?

Re: Dealing with divorce in the workplace

Hello, Jillian,

The short answer is "no."

Like you said, these are very personal things, and it's no one's business to know if you don't want to share. And sadly, people start looking at you like an outsider. Leave home at home, and work at work. Be general and vague with your answers, like "I'm moving this weekend" "I'm overwhelmed with all the move" "Everyone is fine" "nothing major in my life."

I have learned that even sharing a slight disagreement, people start judging and they feel they have the right to give you advise. Leave the advise to your counselor. And share, pour your emotions in groups like this. You'll be safe this way.

Re: Dealing with divorce in the workplace

Thank you so much, this is very helpful and you're so right. I need to get on forums more often :)

Re: Dealing with divorce in the workplace

I wouldn't but that's just my personal opinion. If your boss knows, that should be enough and you can work through any work-related issues with her. I had to learn this the hard way. I went out to happy hour with some co-workers and told them I was having problems with my husband. Afterwards at work both ladies kept asking how things are going. When you are going through personal issues, sometimes you are just trying to get through the day. If you are at work, you have to focus on your job. Sometimes co-workers can be a constant reminder of the problems you are trying to work through privately. But that was my fault. Should've kept my mouth shut. From now on I keep work and personal separate.