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Need help urgent!

I have a friend whose husband is abusing her. He wants her out the house. She can't afford an attorney. What can she do? Please somebody help her.

Re: Need help urgent!

Have they called the police on the offender? Repeated visits by them will stack up and get the person landed in jail.

Re: Need help urgent!

Won't he eventually be released? He uses fear and intimidating tactics. He's even brought more guns and made sure that she saw them.

Re: Need help urgent!

Won't he eventually be released? He uses fear and intimidating tactics. He's even brought more guns and made sure that she saw them.
The weapons need to be registered. She could report them and have them confirmed. If he has stolen weapons, he could be charged with that on top of any abuse charges.

Re: Need help urgent!

Most likely they are registered because he was just released from the military. He's not the type to carry unlicensed arms.

Re: Need help urgent!

There's so much we can do. She needs to take the initiative to leave (which is what needs to happen) but she has to be emotionally and physically ready. And in order for that to happen, she has to have a plan, and resources. She needs to also educate herself in what abuse is. I think you and your friend will find this site very informational https://covchurch.org/ava/

Re: Need help urgent!

She is mentally ready; however she doesn't have the funds.

Re: Need help urgent!

There are women's centers in each state, where they give aid of any kind. She would benefit calling and finding out what the first step would be, specially now that COVID19 is restricting us to our homes. I'm sure they have a way to help still. I'm not talking about shelters, but about centers that help with resources. I know in California there's https://thesheepfold.org/, in Phoenix there's https://www.freshstartwomen.org/, in Texas there's https://www.womenscentertc.org/, just to name a few. Some states have several good ones. Just need to google. There are also many churches who would be willing to help, if she feels comfortable

Re: Need help urgent!

You still have choices. Courts are closed, but they are still hearing cases for emergency orders.

Can I File For Divorce in California During the Coronavirus Pandemic? http://ow.ly/NiqO30qEu15