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opinions please

I have been divorced for 2 years have two teenage boys. 17 and 15 who have recently had a problem with smoking and selling marijuana. I im not okay with and have been taking action to stop behavior. They have been grounded and consulting with professional help on what to do. They dad who they have every other weekend visits says im over reacting its not that big of deal. he is a party dad who sometimes never even sees these kids on his weekend they are running the entire time. He has tried for custody thinking because of their age they could choose. Thats not true and before I even spoke judge dismissed case. # weeks ago my boys took off from home and havent been back. They are at their dads and refusing to come home and he not sending them in fact filed for custody again. Had boys make false statements against my boyfriend for a protective order. Even though I have custody I cant get them nack until I see a judge. And with virus thats going to be months. Here is my question. I have only seen them twice in 3 weeks this is killing me. I am supposed to see the this weeked Sat morning they both have an item form here they have requested I bring them. But they ran away they should be here, even so I am doughting my choice. I should not give them anything from home right that would be ebcouragiung the behaivoor>

Re: opinions please

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Re: opinions please

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I think its unfortunate that the poor excuse of a father is influencing your kids bad behavior. I know as a good mother this is heartbreaking for you, but, my own personal opinion is this...... sometimes we have to let our children go, even though this is a bad situation. Let the father have a go at child rearing if he thinks he can parent better than you. Also, as the bad behavior from your boys wreaks of bad consequences, let it be the dads position to save them. Sometimes bad things have to happen before people open their eyes. Hopefully it wont take long for your boys to see that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Good luck