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What has happened to men???

My ex has become the one that stubs me from behind when I least expect it. We're getting divorced after 19 years and he doesn't appreciate anything I do for the family. Always criticizing me. So good at convincing my 17 year-old-son that I'm the one not to trust.

My daughter's husband is irritated all the time, and I don't see that relationship going to far.

My sister's boyfriend is always in a bad mood, insecure and jealous constantly. What's to be jealous about???!!! You're homebound, for goodness grace!!! Grow up!

Moody, grumpy, no sense of humor, not satisfied, always wanting more! is there a different virus I should be aware of? I appears to affect only men!

Re: What has happened to men???

I wonder the same thing. Are there any good men out there. Where are they. I only need one decent guy. It seems all the men in this world do not value the women in their lives and take advantage of us and kick us when were down. I'm not a lesbian, but I understand why women switch sides.

Re: What has happened to men???

Have you noticed that the women who are in healthy happy relationships do not talk about "any good men out there." It always comes from women that cannot maintain relationships. Once those women try to introspect and maybe find areas in the lives with common themes that caused friction in their previous relationships, and maybe start working to improve, they will get a better shot at getting into successful relationships rather than lumping all men in this phantom bucket of mistrust.

Re: What has happened to men???

The problem may not be MEN and you want to believe. The problem is YOU. You see things and make conclusions because you come with a preconceived bias about who men are and what they're all about. Hence even your own son can't get along with you.