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So lonely

I am not meant to be alone. I love people too much. I am an extrovert and I gain energy from other people, and now with COVID19 I am feeling so depress. It's so bad that it's become really hard to focus at work, and hard to think.

Being in a house where I am not appreciated or even wanted doesn't help me either. I want to have more time for myself, but at the same time, I rather be at work, cause there's no one who wants me at home.

What a solitary life.

Re: So lonely

Never to worry life is like a secret. It will always bring some surprises to you that may be positive or negative. Just beleive in yourself always do good and will be good. We are born once in this time but we live many different lives that we don't know. Never to feel like you are alone you yourself have different characters and different aspects that makes you special. Hope you will feel good and have a great journey. Lots of blessings and best lucks with you .