Womans Divorce Forum

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I divorced my husband 13 years ago, but stayed living with him and our daughter up until 5 years ago so we could co-parent and not upset her living arrangements. I'm alone and see my daughter whenever I can. We are close, and that's what makes it even harder to be away from her, not living at the house anymore because she's told me it's hard for her too to be away from me. I have regrets,such as moving out a few times while I was living at the house, and maybe whether I should have divorced my ex. Is there anyone else who is in a similar situation or has similar feelings?

Re: Regrets

I'm so sorry about your regrets. Do you have shared custody then? I wish I had a word of wisdom for you, but I feel your pain, cause the love of a mother towards a child is incomparable to anything else. No greater love. Maybe asking for more time with her to your ex, or the court? is that a posibility?

Re: Regrets

My daughter is in college so we don't need to involve the court. It's just so hard sometimes to not be with her when she's home.