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Should I Fight More?

I don't know if I should let my husband go or fight for him to stay with me? Here is what I know: I still love my husband, despite the recent changes he has undergone to become "his best self", I can't raise my autistic toddler alone, we both can't afford a divorce and I honestly think everything is being heightened by the quarantine.

But he told me he has felt this way for months and he did say he no longer loved me the same. But we still make love, he still says he loves me, he was flirting with me just three days ago? For someone who is completely apathetic, is that normal? I was watching movies while laying on his chest just three days ago WTF?

He started reading this Red Pill stuff so he is all into male/female differences and anti-feminism stuff. At first it was just annoying, but now I am seeing how it is leeching into our marriage.

Re: Should I Fight More?

Has he shown signs of cheating? Is he maybe being more affectionate with you because he can't get to others right now?

As is mentioned in "20 Years Gone: A Divorce Story" by Dorian Wright (available on Amazon.com), you may want to check your phone plan for texts and calls going to/from his phone. They can potentially solve alot of mysteries.

Stay strong.

Re: Should I Fight More?

I checked his phone while he was sleeping. I did see that he joined the red pill mens group and they were talking a lot about how he should divorce me because I don't show him the respect he deserves as a man. I also saw that he had been in contact with his ex-fiance and they were flirting but she is all the way in New Jersey and he is here in GA with me. I didn't see her as a threat.He said he'd stop messaging her on FB a while ago and I hadn't checked his phone since.

Re: Should I Fight More?

I don’t think you should fight for this marriage he’s only being affectionate to you because your on quarantine he told you he doesn’t love so why fight for something that is not there anymore you are worth more than just being his doormat.

Re: Should I Fight More?

I see how you'd want to do that for your son. But your husband is only going to get worse and start demanding more from you. Then you will be worried about both, being there for your child, AND your husband's demands. How are you even taking care of YOU? We, women don't value ourselves enough. We're constantly giving and giving, until men ultimately leave! I get that you love him, but don't you want to be loved back? Isn't that the idea of marriage? It's not really a cuddle, or a quick "I love you" on your way out the door. It's a partnership. Not one that you feel stuck on, but one you WANT to stay, because of love, not because of obligation. Your husband will still have an obligation towards your son. Let him fulfill that, if he so desires.

You desire love, unconditional. Is that what you get from him? Or would you be walking on eggshells? Only you will know how far to get. Just don't wait so long that you'll feel a whole life has gone, your best years too, and you're back on square one. I know I wish he would have told me his real feelings over a decade ago.

Be strong! Keep writing.