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I'm needing advice ASAP

on December 4th 2019 I flew to Louisiana from Virginia to help my mother during a heart procedure she was having. My daughter was due with my first grandchild so my husband and I decided that it would be beneficial for me to just stay instead of buying multiple plane tickets. I was to fly back to Virginia on March 3rd. February gets here and he text me he wanted a divorce and should just stay here in Louisiana. He purchased my plane ticket here (one way) and moved the money out of our household accounts i couldn't get back to Virginia. I have papers from his attorney and husband is saying I don't need an attorney," he's not trying to screw me out of anything". Yeah OK. Can i retain an attorney here in Louisiana? Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Re: I'm needing advice ASAP

You can obtain an attorney in Louisiana but it would be best to get back to Virginia if you can and find an attorney out there when it comes to filing an answer it would be easier for the travels for the attorney and paperwork would be filed more sufficiently because the attorney from Virginia would be more familiarize with the court system out there

Re: I'm needing advice ASAP

The HELL! You can have video consult with one in Virginia. I agree with "confused" comment. Corona virus is helping attorneys be more accessible through phone and video chat. Start keeping records of communication. You could possibly get copies of bank statements still. How did they let him remove the money without you knowing? Do you have shared property?

Re: I'm needing advice ASAP

Retain an attorney in VA ASAP and fight to protect your rights. Do not trust anything he says. Since he fired the first shot, all you're left with is fighting back to protect what is yours. But do not do things out of spite to hurt or destroy him. It will come back to hunt you...especially with your kids.