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I was married to my husband for 18 years, we dated for 28 years, he became a dialysis patient and needed a kidney I thought we were the perfect couple, we barely fight at least I thought he was the perfect gentleman, yes we have children, he recently passed away and now I am finding out that he fathered two children while we were together, and he was sextexting is ex and random females now my family family wants to have a memorial service should I have the service or not?

Re: Confused

Wow! As hard as these might be for you, I think your children will like a proper funeral in order to heal. It might do you some good too. It doesn't have to be filled with words or story telling but just let the minister to his thing. At least you can control how the service would develope.

Re: Confused

I'm sick of men thinking they can go around and screw anyone they want and cheat and lie. Having children with someone else behind your back is completely demoralizing. I say **** him!!!!! You have an opportunity to have the last word. I wouldnt do **** for him, not even in death.