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Sick of it

I’m sick of staying for the kids.. my husband is rotten. I work, make the money, carry health insurance, do all cleaning and work around house.. he quit his job, now works making nothing or barely works.. not even full time, drinks at night and is a complete loser.. I stay to keep a “happy home” I’m over it!! I feel like even tho it’ll be tough to get a new house on my own.. I need to show my kids not to settle for a loser! This quarantine sucks in so many ways.. I have to shut up yo keep the peace.. minor complaint I’m comparison I know.. There’s others with way bigger problems and I get that.. just venting

Re: Sick of it

Oh HELL NO! what are you waiting for??!!! He's a parasite! You have nothing to lose! He's taking advantage of you. Just talk to an attorney and see how finances will look like. He most likely would want to get paid and share custody. Life's too short! And life like that is miserable.

Re: Sick of it

Girl, get out. Find an apartment. Apartments are still renting. Go find happiness, life is too short to settle for bull crap.

Re: Sick of it

"Sick and tired of being sick and tired"!" I am am so tired of my husband's. constant threats. He uses his financial dominance to control me. Whe have been married for twenty years following a courtship of 15+ years. I After 35 years,I realize now that after waiting for him to marry me and giving him the best years of my life, I made a terrible mistake. I realize I married him because he was " familiar " and I was afraid . I had taken a job after college in another state away from all family. He was the first friend that I made on my new life's journey after college. I had no idea then that he would eventually reveal himself as an emotional mentally abusive control freak who treats me no better than a stranger on the street. He devalues my entire existence and contributed to our entire life together. He is verbally, abusive, disrespectful, and condescending towards me in every aspect. The last five years have been intolerable. Fortunately, We do not have any children. His inability, to father, is just another of the secrets he kept from me and only revealed years after the marriage. He is totally selfish and self centered . I feel like a total idiot for ever trusting him.

Up until the last last three years or so, I paid all of " our bills" : electricity, housekeeper, cable, condo rent, utilities, groceries, clothing, etc. You name it, I paid it. My credit took hit as a result, which he never lets me forget. All the time he was building his. In 2015, a house which I had no say so about was purchased and the total bullying and controlling began. He purchased a "dump" under the premise of a "fixer upper". Made promises that now, I know he had no intent of keeping! I live in a home that I am completely ashamed of! We don' have one room that is completely functional. I am forced to make do every single day of my life. He controls everything; when the lights are on, the house temperature, the garage, water consumption, etc. All this because he is paying the bills now. This is of course grossly untrue but his perception because he pays the mortgage which is significantly lower than any monthly rent that I ever paid for us. We have never been a real couple. He has always kept his life separate from mine.I am never allowed to ask a question, have an opinion, or express a feeeling. Being belittled has become the norm of my life. Currently he engages to have the house sold and the utilities turned off if I don't do as he says. I live each day afraid that I won't have a place to live if I disagree with something. I want a divorce but I am trapped because now I basically have nothing. " I can do bad by myself."