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Help. He had an online affair and thinks hes in love and left me

I found out 3 days ago that my husband was having an online affair through facebook and the tiktok app for the past 2 weeks. Hes only known the girl 2 weeks and thinks hes in love with her... She lives on the other side of the country... I am broken. We have a 2 year old daughter. I left because when i confronted him about it he acted like he didnt even care. I dont know what to do anymore. I hate that i still love him. I meant my vows when i married him. I am just lost and broken. Im trying to rationalize what i did wrong. 7 year relationship over for a girl hes never met in person. I need help. I am so hurt. Help...

Re: Help. He had an online affair and thinks hes in love and left me

Adding that i tried tAlking to him after i left. I brought up counseling and he wont. He is over us like that. He says it's better off as he cares more for her than me.

Re: Help. He had an online affair and thinks hes in love and left me

Without knowing he's side of the story, if what you state is true, then he's clearly fallen out of love with you. Might want to continue to try to save your marriage but this looks hopeless. You can take a horse to the river but can't force them to drink.

Re: Help. He had an online affair and thinks hes in love and left me

Hi Rachel. I understand your pain. I have been married to my husband for 8 years and together for 10. In January I found out that he started a relationship with a girl he met online who lives across the country. It had been going on since November. He said he didn't think he was in love with me anymore but loved me as a person and wanted to make it work. He promised to stop talking to her. He became surprisingly optimistic about our marriage and said things were looking up. Then at the end of February I looked at his phone and saw he had reached out to her again. He said he had been lying to me that things were getting better and he thought he was going through a midlife crisis. He said he loved me but was scared that he wouldn't be able to fall back in love with me. He again promised to not contact her and said he got closure when he talked to her. We were at home during the beginning of the pandemic and things seemed to be looking up. He told me he loved me so much and we talked about having a baby next year and getting a bigger house. Yesterday I woke up for work and had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that he had reached out to her again. I was right. He admitted they'd been talking for a while. He first said it was only friendship and he wanted to make things work with us, but later admitted that he had feelings for her and hasn't been in love with me for years, if ever. I decided then and there that we were getting a divorce, which he agreed with. I am heartbroken and grieving over the loss of my husband, the death of a relationship, the loss of our life and hopes and dreams together. I know I will be okay eventually, but it's so raw and painful right now. Looking back, our marriage was never good. I did everything, all the cleaning and housework and bill paying. I woke him up for work every day and supported him through being fired from 2 jobs. He had it made, and I held this marriage and life together for as long as it existed. Now it's time for me to take care of myself. And time for you to take care of yourself too. Time to focus on your needs and happiness. I am so sorry you are going through this too. We WILL be okay, though ❤❤❤.