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Am I crazy after all this or is it him.

My husband and I met very shortly after his seperation from his first wife. He initially left his 5yr old son and 8 yr old daughter with his wife. She decided to leave their martial home to go live with family in New York. During this time is when we met. By the 3rd week of dating he asked me to go with him to pick his kids up in New York, as he filed for emergency custody and was granted it. I agreed to go, not knowing what was in store for me. I was also a single mom of 2 girls ages 15 and 18 during this time. I worked a 3rd shift full time job. The first three weeks was pure romantic bliss. He was the man of my dreams; or so he had me fooled. I was being love bombed by a bi polar narcissistic man. All the while ,things were moving extremely fast. He told me horror stories of his ex. I thought she was the worst and didnt deserve to have such wonderful kids or a loving man like him. Boy, I thought I hit the jackpot. Within 3 months, I was pregnant. Shortly there after finding that out ,I also found out, he'd had a girlfriend behind his wife's back for 3 years before he left. That's who he left his wife for, but couldn't rush to be with her because she loved in another state. After finding that out, I gave him an ultimatum. Of course it worked out in my favor. Time goes on, were a happy family. I move in his home with my youngest daughter and assume the role of mommy for all the children. It was the craziest roller coaster ride for 13 years dealing with his ex. She had me arrested twice. He was arrested once. We were forced out of their martial home because he refused to divorce her because of his own stupidity. We lost custody of his kids.then got it back. After being together 8 years, I figured what the hell, I might as well marry this guy. Two years before we split, we decided to bring his elderly, sickly ,diapered mother to live with us. I took care of her as if she were my own mother. Changing diapers and giving bed baths and medications. Dealing with her mental illness on top of his bi polar depression . The older kids all moved out by now and it was him and I and our son we had together. We decided his mother was a big strain in our relationship and he put her in a nursing home. Things were ok. Now we started home renovating to downsize our home, during this time he started into a bipolar episode. As he was away for a weekend visiting a cousin in Va.he met a much younger woman. He left me and my son 3 weeks after meeting her to go live with her. He didnt even tell me he was leaving. He left while as I was working and told our son he was leaving and it was my fault that he was losing his father. Now it's been 4 and half months. I'm left completely heart broken, dealing with becoming a single parent again and all the tornado of emotional baggage . I'm dealing with all the memories in the same marital home that he left his first wife in. My self esteem is shattered, I feel less of a woman and I keep thinking if maybe I would've done things differently this wouldnt have happened. I went through alot over the years with him and his kids and the ex wife and the mother in law. On top of this, his ex wife is still calling him and complaining about me to him. CAN I JUST GET A BREAK ALREADY!!!! I guess I want to know that I'm not alone and all these feelings are normal. What were some things other have done to move past this. Any helpful suggestions????

Re: Am I crazy after all this or is it him.

Read the book “Psychopath Free”, I’m reading it now, and it will help.