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alimony and maintenance

can someone help me please. My husband does not want pay maintenance. we have been married for 17 years. I make close to $75K per year and he makes close to $100K. we do not have any children nor joint assets. We are living in Missouri. Over the last few years has increasingly become over controlling and emotionally abusive towards me. He has never beaten me but i fear that this might be next. Please help.

Re: alimony and maintenance

Take your things and leave him if you feel threatened. From the looks of it you seem financially secure at 75k, so what is your business trying to deep your hands into his pocket? What he makes is his and so too is what you make yours. What is it with women constantly going after men for money they do not deserve or did not work for???? Totally baffles me. He is an abuser but yet good enough for you to fight over his hard earned money. His money is not your money. Live on what you worked for, and if you need more money look for a better paying job. Its ridiculous.