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My ex husband and I have 50/50 custody of my 4 year old daughter. She is going to be ready for tk/kindergarten soon. He wants to keep her in a daycare that offers pre k only because it gives him the opportunity to stop her off at 6am and pick her up after 4pm. I really want my daughter to not have to go through that schedule. Is there anything I can do? I can offer her a stable schedule with time to rest. I'll be able to pick her up and drop her off when she begins. Anything I ask he turns down. He wants her to be at daycare instead of with me. I am able to work from home and am always available for my daughters needs. His schedule do3snt allow it. I told him he can visit her anytime and weekends but he completely refuses.

Thank, concerned Mommy

Re: Tk/kindergarten

That's such a difficult situation to be in....can you do some research for articles on benefits of being home with parent vs daycare and advocate for that in court? I'm not sure how that whole situation works, what all is involved in 50/50 custody, but surely the best interest of the child with proven research would help support your case...