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Married for 17 years

I have been married for 17 years and after a talk with my husband, well ex maybe, we have decided to have our separate ways.

I love my husband so much however we seem to fight everyday which is not good if you can imagine staying on it for 17 years although most of the fights are not so major.

We stayed because of our love to each other and I know that even up until we have mutually decided that we need to let go.

Now, I am lost. I don't know what to do next. Do we need to get a divorce?

Currently, all I am feeling now is hurt. I cry anywhere. I don't want our kids to know it for now with this pandemic going on.

Is someone experiencing the same thing?

I just need to be assured that I am not the only one experiencing it.

Re: Married for 17 years

I am so sorry you're going this. I know it hurts. Have you tried counseling or mediation?

Re: Married for 17 years

No. Not yet. I've had counseling but not related to this.

Re: Married for 17 years

I have been married for almost 20 yrs this October. We are currently separated because things have just become so unbearable with us fighting constantly. I have a 17 yr old son and 13 yr old daughter who have been so supportive with my decisions. My husband is 13 yrs older than me and recently had his 2nd stroke and has become depressed. I have worked hard these past yrs to care for him through 2 strokes and several heart attacks and he has become distant from me. I have caught him in several lies and now he has admitted to talking to other women online. I am frustrated and he just doesn’t see how he has hurt me. I still love him very much but I’m afraid I will be hurt again if I take him back. He claims he hasn’t done anything wrong but I have lost all trust in him and I am tired of the fighting. I know I need to let go and move on. I’m hurting still but trying to tell myself I don’t deserve to be treated so poorly by someone I thought loved me.